Volume I-Numero 7/8 (Primavera)

  • Cecilia Pietropoli, I paradossi del medievalismo romantico: le ragioni di un fraintendimento.
  • Nick Havely, Losing Paradise: Dante, Boccaccio and Mary Shelley’s Valperga.
  • Massimo Riva, Nel giardino di Boccaccio: sulla ricezione romantica del Decameron.
  • Mario Mancini, Il Geoffrey Rudèl di Heine.
  • Philippe Antoine, Une immagination puissante, mais déréglée. Les représentations du moyen âge dans les Mémoires d’outre-tombe.
  • Fazel Abroon, Romanticism and Oriental Philosophy : The Concept of Logos in Medieval Courtly Love.
  • Michael Papio, The “Corpse on a Horse” from a Fabliau to the Nineteenth Century.
  • Vanda Perretta, Sprache und Poetic di August Wilhelm Schlegel.
  • August Wilhelm Schlegel, Lingua e poetica: osservazioni sulla metrica.
  • Annette Kopetzki, Congedo da Klopstock.
  • Giulio Simone, Wilhelm Grimm: Le “Vorbemerkungen” di Ueber deutsche Runen.
  • Giuseppe Martella, Reflection and imagination: Coleridge’s Biographia Literaria and Schelling.
  • Massimo Bacigalupo In Memory of Morag Harris.
  • Morag Harris If I Were To Die Tomorrow The Talking Shawl And The Wound in the Garden.
  • Massimiliano Morini “Starting to Make A City”: A Conversation With Roy Fisher.
  • Roy Fisher Starting to Make a Tree.
  • G. Singh What may be called my poetics The Time When I First Saw You By the mouth of the Tagliamento Cambridge, April 1978.
  • Gabriella Imposti, Evgenij Baratynskij, Liriche,a cura di Michele Colucci.
  • Mirella Vallone, Alessandro Portelli (a cura di), La formazione di una cultura nazionale. La letteratura degli Stati Uniti dall’ indipendenza all’età di Jackson (1776-1850).
  • Carlo Martinez, Tilottama Rajan and Julia M. Wright, eds., Romanticism, History, and the Possibilities of Genre. Reforming Literature 1789-1837.
  • Rossella Mallardi, Vanessa Smith, Literary Culture and the Pacific. Nineteenth Century Textual Encounters.
  • Michael Wheeler, Chawton House Library: Transforming the Literary Landscape.
  • Epistolari Femminili nell’ Europa tra Sette e Ottocento.
  • Romanticism and the Physical (8th Annual Conference of the North American Society for the Study of Romanticism).
  • Commemorating Mary Robinson.
  • L’importanza di essere frainteso: omaggio a Oscar Wilde.
  • Ville et nature dans l’oevre de George Sand.
  • Women Romantic Poets – Poetesse Romantiche Inglesi.
  • Seventh International Conference of the British Association for Romantic Studies; Sustaining Romanticism.