Frequently Asked Questions. Prospective Student Section


ARRIVAL INFORMATION Here you can find some information that can help you planning your stay in Bologna. ACADEMIC CALENDAR AND LESSONS TIMETABLE: You will be enrolled as Gemma’s students at the Faculty of Lingue e Letterature Straniere. We generally suggest to arrive around at the beginning of September, so that you can have the time to look for accommodation and organize the documents you need for your staying in Italy. It is advisable for student to get in touch with the tutor of the Master GEMMA as soon as they know their dates of arrival in Bologna and arrange a meeting. ACCOMODATION: Finding accommodation in Bologna could be a bit difficult, especially if you are not planning to spend too much time in the city. The ads affixed along the main University street (Via Zamboni) and on the notice boards located in many Faculties can provide a good starting point. Furthermore, the University of Bologna has a Student Accommodation and Information Service (SAIS) that provides help in finding accommodation. Here you can find the links: http://www.sais.ceur.it/it/sais.aspx?idC=61642&LN=it-IT http://www.sais.ceur.it/en/finding-accommodation-in-bologna.aspx?idC=61673&LN=en-US LANGUAGE COURSES: Italian language courses for international students are provided free by CLA. However, please note you cannot register for the language course unless you are enrolled at the University of Bologna with your own student code number. If you want to register before your arrival please contact the Tutor. CODICE FISCALE (fiscal identification number): You will  most probably need a CODICE FISCALE, that is a fiscal identification number that all Italian citizens have. International students can request their fiscal code at the Agenzia delle Entrate. You can find the addresses of the Bologna office and further useful information at the following URL: http://www1.agenziaentrate.gov.it/inglese/ http://www.agenziaentrate.gov.it/wps/content/Nsilib/Nsi/Home/CosaDeviFare/Richiedere/Codice+fiscale+e+tessera+sanitaria/Richiesta+TS_CF/SchedaI/Come+si+chiede+il+Codice+Fiscale/ here are the offices in charge for the fiscal procedure: Office Bologna 1 address: VIA MARCO POLO 60, Bologna Telephone numer: 051/6103111 Fax: 051/6103981 eMail: dp.bologna.utbologna1@agenziaentrate.it Orario: da lunedì a venerdì dalle 8:45 alle 12:45; martedì e giovedì anche dalle 14:30 alle 16:30 Office Bologna 2 address: VIA LARGA 35, Bologna Telephone numeber: 051/6103111 Fax: 051/6103608 eMail: dp.bologna.ubologna2@agenziaentrate.it Orario: da lunedì a venerdì dalle 8:45 alle 12:45; martedì e giovedì anche dalle 14:30 alle 16:30 BANK ACCOUNT: If you have a scholarship you will probably need to apply for an Italian bank account. You can choose to have a number of prepaid credit card that have also an account number (IBAN), like the Genius Card that you can find at Unicredit Banks. Here you can find more information: https://www.unicredit.it/it/privati/carte/geniuscard.html